Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week 5 Blog Responses

Below are the comments I made on blogs for this week:

Friday, September 25, 2009

Week 5 Reading Responses

Data Compression - Wikipedia

-Data compression uses fewer bits to encode information
--The sender and receiver of the information must be able to understand the code in order for it to be read
--data compression helps reduce the size/space needed used by the information

-Two types of compression
--lossless - guided by "statistical redundancy"
--lossy - guided by the real ways in which people process data

-Data compression may result in the loss of some quality but will maintain the data

'Data Compression Basics'

I thought the beginning of this article was easier to understand and to take notes on compared to the Wikipedia article. It focused more on using language that even a nontechnical person could understand.

-compression takes information and replaces it with some sort of representation of the information that requires less space.

The run length encoding section explains in easy to understand languages how the encoding works and replaces the runs. I still don't completely understand the "special marker" part though.

The article advances into difficult technical language (at least for me anyway) with the Lempel-Ziv compressor family section of the article. It was also difficult some sections of the video compression section but the pictures and graphs throughout did provide a little clarity.

Imagining Pittsburgh: Creating a shared gateway to digital image collection of the Pittsburgh region

This article featured the creation of an online accessible library of a photograph collection. The collection is a joint venture between the University's Archives Center, Carnegie Museum of Art, the Historical Society of Western PA, and the University of Pittsburgh Digital Research Library. There will be many ways for people to search through the collection: by keyword, by related collections/subject, by time and theme, etc. It was also interesting to hear that the project encountered several problems in regards to the disagreements between the different institutions involved in this project. However, this is something to be expected and all of the institutions seemed to be able to deal with these issues for the sake of the project.

They had to come up with a common language/vocabulary to categorize the photographs. All the institutions had to use common metadata in order to make the entire digital library consistent and easy to use.

Youtube and Libraries: It could be a beautiful relationship

This article discussed how to utilize youtube to promote a library. Basically, the article consisted of step by step instructions of how to create a youtube account, promote library programming, online tutorials, etc. I think that using youtube to post library videos, in particular using it to post tutorials, is a great idea.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Muddiest Point for 9/22 Lecture

Something that I was unclear about in this week's lecture was the topic of primary keys and foreign keys. I still feel like I don't have a proper understanding of what they are and how they interact with one another.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blog Comments for this Week

Below are links to my blog comments for this week:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Week 4 Reading Responses

Below are some summary notes that I had for this week's readings:

Database - Wikipedia:

-databases are collections of files that provide the information needed for applications. Most common organization of these files in a database is relational organization.
-database management systems organize the information within the db.
-database management systems have varying models, just like the database themselves. Relational is the most popular for these as well.
-There are different types of databases with each performing a specific function
- There are five main components of Relational Database Management Systems:
* Interface drivers
* SQL Engine
* Transaction Engine
* Relational Engine
* Storage Engine

Introduction to Metadata:

-The purpose of this article was to explain to people the different types of metadata. Delved into a discussion of what information is and the purpose that it serves to people.
-Information possess meaning for human beings and information systems.
-All information, despite the form, have three properties -- content, context, and structure
-Information professionals and institutions look at these three properties and use them at varying to degrees in terms of information management (museums are more concerned with context, etc..
-Everyone is involved with "creating, sharing, and copying metadata" throughout their daily lives.
-Types of metadata -- preservation, descriptive, administrative, technical, use

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Muddiest Point for 9/15 Lecture

I don't have a muddiest point post for this week.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Assignment 2: Flickr

Below is the link to Assignment 2 - Flickr assignment

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 3: Responses

Below are my blog responses for this week

Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 3: Reading Response

Machtelt Garrels. “Introduction to Linux: A Hands on Guide”

After reading Garrels’ article I get the sense that Linux developers put a large focus of their time on compatibility. Linux was developed in order to create a compatible operating system and now developers are working on ways to make in easy to use as a workstation while still focusing on its compatibility with other computers/hardware/applications.

In the ‘Is Linux Difficult’ section of the document it states that Linux is easy to use but that this sentiment is often mostly felt by “power users and programmers” who have a strong relationship to Linux. I don’t really understand this operating system, even after learning more about it through entry level programming/computer classes and casual conversations with users of the system in college. Even though people I came into contact with always praised the system for similar reasons as stated in the article (that it’s stable, easy to use, etc) it just never clicked with me for some reason.

Later in the Garrels’ article provides a list of companies who provide products for non-experience users. I had never heard of these companies before and this may be something I may want to try in the future. I appreciate the attempts these companies are trying to make in order to expand Linux use while steel leaving dedicated users content.

The list of pros and dedicated audience prove that Linux is a substantial system however it’s extremely difficult to switch people over from their norm and this seems to be the next barrier for Linux.

“What is Mac OS X”

I’ve only used a MAC in computer lab or in the context of a class requiring them. I’ve never owned one personally although from time to time I wish that I did own one. I like their appearance and I think they are easy to use; however, I haven’t used them on a daily basis and I’m not sure if my good relationship with them would persist after doing so. Most people have problems or troubles with certain computers that may affect their feelings towards a particular operating system but this doesn’t necessarily represent the universal experience.

I enjoyed how the author of this article stated that it wasn’t an advertisement and that he wasn’t trying to convert anyone to Mac. Instead the text of the article focuses on information that users and potential users may find interesting about Mac OS X.

I found some parts of this article a little choppy and difficult to understand, such as the history section, Architecture of Mac OS X section, and part related to Mac OS X programming description. I wish the contributor would have gone into more detail, but I understand that he would rather provide a brief insight and offer new information to serve as a quick reference guide. It made me want to learn more about the system.

Paul Thurott “An Update on the Windows Roadmap”

This was interesting to me because I recently purchased a new laptop after experiencing problems with my old one. It was nothing related to the operating system. It was a problem with the physical laptop. I have always used Windows on my personal daily computers. I don’t necessarily have any predisposition towards the system it’s just what I have always used.

My new computer has Vista on it which I was initially nervous about after hearing word of mouth reviews about it. However, I’m still learning the ins and outs of the system and laptop.

This Windows letter provides some information but it also seems more of an “advertisement” than the other articles this week. The letter attempts to point out the flaws and advantages of Vista and updates on Windows 7. Maybe I misread the undertones of the letter but it also seems to try to create/maintain the dedication with its customers that are present with Mac and Linux users.

Week 2: Response to Classmate's Blogs

Below is the link to my response on classmate's blog.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Muddiest Point for 9/8 Lecture

This week's lecture concerned the topics of Moore's Law, Computer Hardware, and Digitization. I don't have a muddiest point entry for this weeks lecture. I'm not really the most technical person but everything seemed straight forward in the lecture today and it was good to learn about the types/function of the computer's hardware.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Week 2: Reading Response

‘Personal Computer Hardware’

This was a good comprehensive explanation of the computer hardware. It provides a good foundation and reference for the class and the other readings.

‘Moore’s Law’ - Wikipedia

I had to read this over twice before understanding everything included on the page. I understood the beginning paragraphs which focused on the history, construction and explanation of Moore’s Law. However, the later paragraphs that tried to apply it and give examples left me a little confused and required me to read them over a couple of times.

‘Digitization: Is It Worth It?’

Even though I disagree with many of Stuart D. Lee’s points in the article I still thought his ideas were well argued and learned from reading his stance on digitization. Lee is obviously able to acknowledge the advantages to digitization but he is concerned with many consequences including cost and the affect it will have on a library’s collection. However, I don’t think the best way to deal with libraries interested in digitization projects is to dismiss them simply because money, man-power, training, or organization is not sufficient to perform the process. It’s a duty to explore the best possible way to serve the public. The best way to do this is to not only seek out new digitization projects, provide them with the support in order for the process to be done correctly but also to provide support to libraries unable to complete a digitization project. Equal support should be given to all institutions in order encourage further improvements in the dissemination of information and materials to the public.

“A Few Thoughts on the Google Books Library Project”

I don’t know a lot about the Google Books Project. While the article by Smith provided good insight into the project and he has positive feelings about this it, I still want to learn more about the project. While I’m a person who thinks that the digitization of the book is a good thing I don’t really agree with Smith’s statement about how the book would “reach obsolescence if not easily accessible through digital technology”. He makes this statement when discussing a 19th century book made available through digitization. I’m a fan of digitization but I don’t agree that its existence will make the physical book obsolete as a result. The book will never become obsolete. Books and other similar materials serve a needed purpose in society for the people who use it on a daily basis. Digital projects also provide similar advantages to society and in terms of access. I do not feel that one makes the other insignificant even as technology advances and use becomes more widespread.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Week 1 Reading Response

Clifford Lynch’s ‘Information Literacy and Information Technology Literacy: New Components in the Curriculum for Digital Culture’

While reading Lynch’s essay I thought he made some really interesting points but he also left me with a lot of questions. The topic of Lynch’s essay is the importance of Information Literacy, Information Technology Literacy, and how the two relate to one another. Lynch states that they are both “essential for individuals to function and succeed in today’s society; they are distinct but inter-related.” For me, it was this point that stirred my thinking when he later addresses the need for a more comprehensive understanding of information technology. There are many factors that interact with technology and Lynch goes on to state some of those examples later in his introduction. I definitely agree with his point that in order to fully understand technology, as it is constantly changing and evolving, it is necessary to have some knowledge of these outside issues, such as economic and societal factors.

However, it is with this statement and my agreement with Lynch’s view on this, that I wonder at what level should information literacy be addressed and actively taught? Should it be something that is intertwined in lessons starting from preschool up to the graduate level? Maybe it should follow the lead of one of the core subjects, like English or Math, which gradually builds upon itself as the ability of the student grows as well. Also, it kind of made me wonder how can individuals that have been out of the traditional school system for some time increase their literacy of information technology. Where and how would they achieve this improved literacy, not only regarding technology but also the aspects that influence information technology? I also came back to the profession and thought what role can the library play in this constant education and what are its limitations?

Lynch discusses issues about information and information technology literacy that need to be addressed by a wide variety of organizations and institutions. It’s something that constantly needs to be looked at and addressed in order to possess the necessary knowledge to interact with information technology effectively and in a way that will benefit our lives to the fullest extent.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blog Purpose

This is my blog for the course LIS: 2600 Introduction to Information Technology (University of Pittsburgh, Fall 2009).