Saturday, December 5, 2009

Reading Response for Unit 13

No place to hide website

This is a website for a collaborative project among several news organizations. The 'about the project' page had the most information on the website, itself, and it explained the purpose of the project. It explained the project as a "yearlong investigation into the unprecedented marriage between the revolution of private data collection and the government's vastly expanded surveillance authorities in the wake of September 11"

Terrorism" Information Awareness (TIA) and data mining

This website presented information and the latest news regarding the TIA project, which stated purpose was to collect information from possible terrorist after the September 11th attacks; however, there it displays the far reaching authority over all individuals and the ability to have instant access to their information. Here is some information points from the website:
--In November 2002, the New York Times reported that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was developing a tracking system called "Total Information Awareness" (TIA)
-- The mission of TIA was to detect terrorists through analyzing information.
--TIA was envisioned to give law enforcement access to private data without suspicion of wrongdoing or a warrant.
-TIA captured the "information signature" of people so that the government could track potential terrorists and criminals involved in "low-intensity/low-density" forms of warfare and crime

The YouTube video for this set of readings was no longer available by the time I went to view it.

1 comment:

  1. Not that anyone would be especially interested in my life, but it does give you a chill to think about how easy it is for those in power to abuse their authority to have instant access to even our most private information. I thought that website was really informative and your summary really mentioned a lot of the most important points.
