Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Reading Notes for Week 9 (or 10?)

An Introduction to the Extensible Markup Language XML

-XML=Extensible Markup Language
-XML defines the role of elements or the logical parts of structured documents.
-XML is not a set of fixed tags for document markup, like HTML.
-In XML, documents are composed of entities -- entities are made of 1+ logical elements
-The article describes XML as being pretty straightforward and easy to understand because of its explanation of the document structure
-The unique identifier is an attribute that can cross reference two points of the document
-Data stored in XML format can be transfered to other hardware and software.

A Survey of XML Standards

-At the begining XML can be dificult to understand

This article discusses the primary XML technologies. To be honest, a majority of this article was difficult to understand. It was difficult to understand the function or importance of each aspect. Particularly going through the different versions of XML was a little confusing. The article also provides a lot of key terms (in bold) that are important aspects of XML.

-XML organizations and users have made efforts to make standards for the community.

-The article provides information on several organizations such as, International Organization for Standardization, Organization for the Advancement of Structure Information Standards, etc.

-In general, the article is a bit difficult to understand and the organization of the sections is somewhat confusing.

Extending your Markup: An XML Tutorial

-DTD = document type definition
-DTDs "define the structure of XML documents"
-An XML document is considered valid if it conforms to the DTD
-Elements are either terminal or nonterminal
-However, DTDs are limited


  1. I agree with you about the survey of XML standards - it was a bit confusing and I wondered how they all were related.

  2. I am going to second Natalie and say that I felt that article was confusing as well. I had a hard time sorting through all the jargon and the different versions. But I did like that they bolded key terms because I didn't know quite what to focus on in this article and that helped.
